RF Race Car

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New Member
Hi frnds,
Someone pls help me with a circuit for a race car that uses 5 12V DC motors, needs to be controlled with RF (Dual Frequency enabled), also requires speed control..........
we have got 4 high torque motors, a 12V dc motor (100rpm) for turnings, a set of batteries, wheels and a frame work to support the bot, and nothing about the circuits have been ready.... our next step is that and we hope that you would help us with some circuitry that is RF in nature and should have translatory controls and if possible speed control for better maneuverability...
we also can buy a RF kit (only transmitter and reciever board) that has four controls..
thank you for your good helping hands and we expect more from you..
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Do you want to use Micro-controllers to do this?
I would suggest a MSP430 series, but it is only because I have experience with it, however, there are many pros here who have in depth experience with PIC microcontrollers.

Language: Do you have any experience with programming languages?
I use ASM, and would suggest assembly, as I feel it gives an awesome representation of what is really going on, on the hardware level.

However, with TI MSP 430's you have a choice of C, C++, or ASM.

For PICS: you have a choice of: BASIC, PBASIC (what I use with Basic Stamp II uC's), C, or ASM.

What expericene do you have in general when working with this sort of project?
Any experience with Analog to Digital conversion?

What time frame do you have?

This is not exactly a "throw it together in couple of weeks" project if you are new to this.
I can afford to use motor controller. See i`m not experienced. I'm new to this. but have attended a workshop on robotics for autonomous line follower robot. still not much knowledge in electronics part of it.

my four motors shall be controlled by one signal coz all have to go forward or all backward. and one another motor to turn the front wheels.

my idea is that for one particular signal of the remote, the 4 motors must be operated in some voltage(say 6V), then for the next signal the motors should be supplied 12V. I think that the 6V and 12V change can be created by varying the Vss (pin 16) of the motor controller IC. So likewise a speed control could be introduced.

though i have this idea, i dont know much about how to implement this, so help me with that.

I have not much time, just two more weeks. It is almost time.
So you need:

-Four DC motors using PWM.
-Four H-Bridges
-1 Signal going to all four motors' H-Bridges

-One Servo.
-1 servo signal

-A remote that generates:
-A PWM signal to drive the motors
-A PWM signal to drive the servo

You need all of that hardware, the code to go along with it, and on top of that, it needs to be transmitted using an RF frequency?

You have no knowledge of programming? No knowledge of how any of the hardware required works? And, 12 days to pull this off?

Man up, tell the professor you bit off more than you could chew, cut your losses and come up with another project, and maybe you will have a decent submission.

Sorry to be so pessimisto, but this unrealistic, at best. What exactly is your major?

If you didn't choose the project and were assigned it....
How could a professor assign you a project of this complexity with your lack of knowledge?
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no no there is nothing pessimistic... don't feel sorry for silly reasons...

And this is not any of my final year project.... this is for a robo race competition in our university... no probs even now.. If not this event there are many more events to come in my life time.... Truely these happenings thought me lot more than anything...

And my major is Mechanical Engineering...

And i thank you for all your help... but i don't want to terminate our link just like this.. I need some means to converse to you.. come on stop thinking all those early stuff and try to give me a link to be in link with you.... i will check this blog again in want of some idea...reply...
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