Well-Known Member
Feeling pleased with myself because I managed to come up with this:
Posting because of all the frustration I had trying to find out how to do it, all I could find was people say "it can be reversed".
I'm sure it can be done more efficiently, I'll leave that as an exercise for those more proficient than me!
Posting because of all the frustration I had trying to find out how to do it, all I could find was people say "it can be reversed".
I'm sure it can be done more efficiently, I'll leave that as an exercise for those more proficient than me!
CONVERT_R ; thanks gooligum for the jump table trick!
clrf key ; recycle key as temporary carry
; convert BCD to binary. Do this after displaying what's going to be converted
movlw 0x20
movwf counter
clrf binary
clrf binary+1
clrf binary+2
clrf binary+3
BCDCONVERT ; convert 8 digit packed BCD to 32 bit binary
movlw 0x04
movwf convertcount
movlw BCD+3
movwf FSR
rrf INDF,f
rlf key ; key picks up the carry if there is one
movlw 0x30
btfsc INDF,7 ; if upper nibble is 8 or greater, take 3 from it
subwf INDF,f ; subwf destroys the real carry
movlw 0x03
btfsc INDF,3 ; if lower nibble is 8 or greater, take 3 from it
subwf INDF,f
rrf key ; spit out the temp carrry back to the real one
decf FSR,f
decfsz convertcount
goto ROT_BCD_1
rrf binary+3, f
rrf binary+2, f
rrf binary+1, f
rrf binary, f
decfsz counter, f
retlw 0