Research on optical computing

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Hello gentlemen,

I did my own research on optical computing after reading many research papers, my research outcome is a physical model of a simple optical adder, although not fully optical it is a hybrid Opto-electronic. Its only a theoretical model and i don't have equipments to make a physical model of it.
I submitted my research paper in following journals and I got reply as follows :
1- Optical society of America (Journal Optica) Reply was :
"we cannot offer to publish it in Optica, The sense is that the paper does not contain a sufficient amount of optics/photonics to appeal to the broader readership of Optica."
2- Optical society of America (Journal Optics Express) Reply was : "I cannot accept your paper for publication in Optics Express. While your concepts are interesting, they need a bit more investigation as well as more simulation/experimental results before they are considered for publication in Optics Express. Additionally, the manuscript requires a great deal of fine tuning to make it read more like a journal publication."
3- Elsevier (Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing) Reply was : "The topic of your paper is out of scope of JPDC as it does not address issues related to Parallel and Distributed Computing. The paper would be best evaluated by a journal whose scope is on optical computing devices"
4- waiting for reply in IEEE Transactions on Computers.

I get a sense that these journals only except experimental work, what should i do next, should i continue to search for more journals or should i submit my work to some professor who is working in the same field ? , if that's so wouldn't professor steal my work
Cant you simulate it with real optical parameters?
That puts more weight into it. Theory is not of much interest unless realizable and cost effective.

Is it like the Eniac with optical relays?

perhaps. you publish in
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