Repairing rare paintball gun board

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New Member
Hey, been a member for a log time, school/life got in the way but finally found a project that's motivation me enough to attempt a repair or build from scratch using Arduino to prototype it

I would like to repair this paintball gun circuit board. They are no longer available so finding one is next to impossible. The board powers up and operates normally but the problem is current draw when the gun is off so the gun drains a 9V battery in about a week to the point where it does not function normally, but still powers on. This isnt normal for this board as I have a few guns that work correctly. It is not an external ground fault and the current draw remains when isolated from all other electrical parts in the gun. Not sure exactly where to start, or even what a few of the components are, but definitely willing to do some de- soldering/soldering etc.

Plenty of experience soldering in the RC hobby so just need to practice up on smaller stuff.

the first and last gun I looked at had similar issue where there was a ghost current draw that wouldn't allow for capacitor to charge enough to trigger the solenoid. Never found the problem.

speaking from my gun, rebuilding whole circuit may be "easier":
basically its just a transistor that fires solenoid, and a capacitor that charges between fires.
a simple microcontroller reads the trigger signal and fires transistor accordingly, based on rapid fire settings and delays...
Thanks for the reply man. It does seem like a shot in the dark to repair it, and with a fresh battery it does work like its supposed to.

I think i need to do more research on using and arduino to prototype it and then maybe get a custom board made before i pick an option.
Hmm.... is there any schematic for it?

You could shotgun it and start replacing components randomly. Sounds like it might be a zener diode with some leakage current. Check your diodes in circuit. Hope this helps. Let us know what you find.
You could try giving it a good clean preferably in an ultrasonic cleaner. If not a good scrub and soak in IPA. Foloowing that put in an oven at 55 deg C for 24hours.

I had an understanding of what a Zener diodes does and when i looked up a picture of a surface mount that feels like a good start.

What i though was a regulator is a Zener diode mounted very near the battery terminals. These is no schematic available. Can i check this diode without removing it from the board?

What would placing in an oven do? I had cleaned it with 99% lab grade alcohol already with no change or success.

Maintaining the board at a at a high temperature for a time tends to vaporize any deposits which could be causing a conduction path, especially in any high impedance part of of the circuit. As you have already cleaned the circuit with IPA- which you had not stated- I don't hold out much hope though. deposits often get under components where you can't see them

The most likely components to go leaky are electrolytic capacitors, especially aluminum types.

You may be able to check a Zener diode, if that is what it is, in circuit but without seeing the schematic that would be difficult to say.

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Yea, caps are usually some of the first components to breakdown.

What's the name of this product for your paintball gun? I know you said it's not sold anymore, but maybe we can find something on it. Any additional info helps.
Circuit board for a Planet Eclipse Ego8. Information is going to be sparse at best. It recieves input from a trigger microswitch, 4 button, and a set of infrared eyes., outputs to a pneumatic solonoid. The manual will tell you how it functions and and the different settings but I think thats as much information as your going to find.
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