reading writing to eeprom

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OldScore = 256 mod 1000 that = 256

OldScore = 400 mod 1000 guess what that = 400

what good is any of this LOl

You should save score as what ever you want DEC 256 500 5000 what ever it is
don't think it be that high but still save it as one thing like been said

Just test the score if newScore > OldScore then save newScore Im going to bed LOL
Bert, he's saving the score as mS so it can be displayed with 3 decimal places. So 12345 is stored and gets displayed as 12.345 seconds.

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Maybe I crazy but
ms Mod 1000
ms has to be a number say 5650 that drops off 5000 and leaves 650

But why would you save score of 650
then say it 650 Mod 1000 that's 650
you now have too things that can be the same value

I see what your saying mike just looks like there is a easy way to do this
If the stored (saved) value is 5650 then it represents a time of 5.65(0) seconds.

Burt! Hes using mS... I take it that its desplayed in seconds 1.659 seconds or just 0.695 seconds... Seems okay to me..
I know, times flies!

The astute observer might have said "gee, why don't I turn that into a function so I won't have to type it over and over again and screw it up..."
// convert word in ms to secs string (ie "D.DDD")
public function format_msec(wval as word) as string(8)
    result =  DecToStr(wval/1000) + "." + DecToStr((wval MOD 1000), 3)
end function

Then displaying values would be as simple as :
WriteAt(1,1,"reaction=",format_msec(OldScore), "secs")

But that was never going to happen.
Geesh! I hope this isn't a "reaction game" in the making!! Is there room for hours and days...
In post #129 I can see that would be the way to go

But Mrdeb using mod on formatting the EE.wirte formatting the print to Lcd My point was h's mod to much LOL

The way some code that's been posted he would be saving just the same thing over never see a new score or the right score

Just save the score on close of the game in a Dec value

Then print it as you as Jerry showed.
Hey guys , club together and buy him a stopwatch and a pad of sticky notes .. while you still have your sanity ..
reffering to post 127, I removed the , 3) + "secs" because it didn't look right on the LCD display.
as for the FUNCTION I contemplated using it but I was having too many issues with the value of MS interacting with CURRENT_SCORE and BEST_SCORE
Have to solve one issue at a time instead of throwing more fuel on the fire.
I have the code edited down so it doesn't access the eeprom so much.
Been trying out different sections of code first before combining it all together into one.
Still waiting on new pcboards before adding a second game option.
I removed the , 3) + "secs" because it didn't look right on the LCD display
You can remove the '+ "secs"' part if you wish, but if you remove the ',3)' then the displayed value will be wrong 99% of the time.
as for the FUNCTION I contemplated using it but I was having too many issues with the value of MS interacting with CURRENT_SCORE and BEST_SCORE
If you add the format_msecs function shown then there will be no interaction between anything and all those problems will go away.
To display a value you would simply use 'format_msecs(put_your_variable_name_here)' in the 'WriteAt' call, something like
WriteAt(1,1,"reaction=",format_msec(CURRENT_SCORE), "secs")
WriteAt(1,1,"reaction=",format_msec(BEST_SCORE), "secs")
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