reading porta in binary

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I want to use a pic16f628 to drive a lcd for fault display from a PLC.
The problem is that there will be 40 different faults.
is it possible to use a binary type input to porta and read the inputs to go to the different message.
in other words if porta ra0 is high message 1 is shown.
if pin ra1 is high then message 2
if pin ra0 & ra1 high then message 3
by doing this I can have up to 255 messages from 8 inputs
So on if you could help me with simple code and i could work it out from there.

Simply create a table and look down the table for a sub-routine that displays the message on the LCD. Nothing could be simpler.
Not to sound dumb but how do you do this.
Is there a tutorial or example that i can modify to do this.
You would need to use a chip with more memory but a simple lookup table would work,
PutMessage	clrf	count
MessLoop	call	Table
		;write to LCD here
		incf	count,f
		btfss	count,4
		goto	MessLoop

Table		movfw	MessageNumber	;get message number
		movwf	temp		;store it
		clrf	PCLATH		;clr high byte of PC
		bcf	STATUS,C	
		rlf	temp,f		;multiply by 16 to get
		rlf	PCLATH,f		;offset in table
		rlf	temp,f
		rlf	PCLATH,f
		rlf	temp,f
		rlf	PCLATH,f
		rlf	temp,f
		rlf	PCLATH,f
		movlw	high Mess1	;add start of table
		addwf	PCLATH,f		;to high byte
		movfw	temp		;get low byte
		addwf	count,w		;and add count
		btfsc	STATUS,C
		incf	PCLATH,f
		addlw	low Mess1		;and add start of table
		btfsc	STATUS,C
		incf	PCLATH,f
		movwf	PCL		;do jump

;each message must be 16 characters long

		org	0x400

Mess1		dt	"0123456789abcdef"
		dt	"Message 2       "
		dt	"Message 3       "

It basically calculates the address of the required message and jumps to it.

Last edited:
    movfw PORTA 
    movwf MessageNumber
    call      PutMessage

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