I’ve just recently started playing AC voltage, and been have some good old fun in the lab(well just the old tool shed out back) So I’ve been trying to build my own transformer, haven’t taken too many theory classes yet, so using the trial and error method, so far many errors! After blowing the breaker, I have gotten much smarter about the way I’m doing it now, with a variac and homemade fuse box that blows at 3.6amps(just a single strand of wire from braided wire)
The questions I have,
Well I would like to build a 12v power supply with an out put of around 5+ amps. Just for kicks I would like to wind my own transformer from scratch. Any good ideas of where to start?
Second, what 12v regulator that can handle 5+ amps would you use?
Third, I built a current shunt, but my El Cheapo multimeter only reads milivolts in DC. So I’m in the market for a good all around meter, would like a Fluke, but wouldn’t mind finding a cheaper version, to do me over till I graduate
The questions I have,
Well I would like to build a 12v power supply with an out put of around 5+ amps. Just for kicks I would like to wind my own transformer from scratch. Any good ideas of where to start?
Second, what 12v regulator that can handle 5+ amps would you use?
Third, I built a current shunt, but my El Cheapo multimeter only reads milivolts in DC. So I’m in the market for a good all around meter, would like a Fluke, but wouldn’t mind finding a cheaper version, to do me over till I graduate