Question on writing code for PIC

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New Member
I would like to modify a keypad routine so that it accepts a three digit input from the numbers "006 to 180" and store that value if it is in this range into eeprom memory, if not in this range display "- - -". It would display each digit as it is entered; example: if entering 888 it would display the first two digits 88 when entered and when the third digit 8 is entered display "- - -" on a seven segment display. I have code already for a 3x4 keypad and three seven segment displays that works and would like to add to this. The target device is a 16f628a. Could anyone point me to some sample code I had look at?

You could try my keypad tutorials, one of which gives code for a digital lock - not exactly what you want, but it might give some pointers?.
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