Question about RB0/INT interrupts

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New Member
When is it useful to use this interrupt? I,ve been having problems using this interrupt ang portb4-7 interrupt. Can I just use all portb4-7 interrupts instead?
When is it useful to use this interrupt? I,ve been having problems using this interrupt ang portb4-7 interrupt. Can I just use all portb4-7 interrupts instead?

I find the PORTB.0 intr useful for determinig time periods.
eg: say you have a external RTC clock divider , say a 4060 which gives a pulse every 0.5 sec.
You could use this precise interval to create a real time clock.

Also if you wanted to measure the period of an incoming signal, use PORTB.0 intr to start/stop an internal counter.

Ref the other PORTB intr, that depends upon your application.
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I was just wodering because at times my code runs perfectly on all interrupts. Other times, everything is a mess. Here is the code:

#define X            1
#define Y      2
#define Z             3
#define W      4

unsigned short SWITCH = 0;

void Interrupt()
       SWITCH = W ;
       PORTA.F1 = 1;
       INTCON.INTF = 0;
       INTCON.RBIF = 0;
       INTCON.RBIE = 0;
  else if(INTCON.RBIF)
      if(PORTB.F5 == 0)                 
         SWITCH = X;
         INTCON.RBIF = 0;
      else if(PORTB.F6 == 0)             
         SWITCH = Y;
         INTCON.RBIF = 0;
      else if(PORTB.F7 == 0)
         SWITCH = X;
         INTCON.RBIF = 0;

void main()

   do {
          case X:
                  INTCON.GIE = 0;
                 //do something here           
                 INTCON = 0b10011000;

          case Y:
                 INTCON.GIE = 0;
                 //do something here   
                 INTCON = 0b10011000;

          case Z:
                 INTCON.GIE = 0;
                 //do something here   
                 INTCON = 0b10011000;
          case W:
                 INTCON.GIE = 0;
                 PORTA.F0 = 1;
                 INTCON = 0b10011000;
     } while(1);

So far, I haven't experienced some strange things when PORTs B5-B7 are interrupted. The weird stuff comes out when RB0/INT is interrupted. Sometimes "case W" keeps on executing and never stops, at other times it works smoothly. Why is this happening?
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