Question about Interrupt

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New Member
what is interrupt for pic18f452? and when do we need to use interrupt ? I read the datasheet of pic18f452 about interrupt:

But don't know what are those registers above for. I was searching around for some example for interrupt in C language but barely to see. If anyone has studies or know this pic please help me. Sorry if my words may sound stupid and newbie.

This is a hardware interrupt, read the following esp the overview:
The PICmicro® 18C MCU Family Reference Manual covers interrupts in much more detail than individual device data sheets:

If you find it too complex, then try starting with a PIC16F range chip, they are much simpler to configure for interrupts, - you could then migrate up to the 18F range once you have a better understanding.

There are some interrupt code examples (asm) at:

Some application examples in C can be found in the "Microchip Application Maestro" software:
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