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New Member
plz someone tell me.... how to use QEI..to count pulse.... what should be simple configuration... what should be the register value??
Well, people have asked here and at other forums about QEI. Of course those OPs didn't say at first what the [!] QEI was, but eventually supplied the information. This OP then asks about register values. Et voilas, quad enclosure pulse detection and handling on a processor. I admit it's a stretch, but he hasn't said otherwise, so we just go with whats we gots.;-)
ooo sorry i should have explained properly.... i have a optical encoder(HEDS9000) ... i have to count the position of the encoder using Quadrature Encoder Interface of Pic18f4331.... but i m unable to do that.. plz help
Sigh. (rolls eyes) lol!
What else can you supply us with? Like:
1. What do you know of the hardware (encoder and PIC) you're designing in?
2. What programming language(s) do you know and are you using it(them)?
3. Is the encoder being turned by hand or is it attached to a motor?
4. What have you done already?
5. How much longer do you have before this school project is due?

That oughta do for starters,
How can one learn to design using a PIC? Bah!
You should be required to do it with flip-flops, gates, counters, and 7-segment displays!
And where in the original post does it say anything about a PIC or any MCU for that matter?

It doesn't specifically, but Quadrature Encoder Interface, configuration & register kinda lend a hint toward what was eventually squeezed out of the OP.

plz someone tell me.... how to use QEI..to count pulse.... what should be simple configuration... what should be the register value??

ooo sorry i should have explained properly....

Yep, you should. Work through kjennejohn's list and in addition post what you have tried already.
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