New Member
I am working on a circuit connecting a pyranometer and an arduino board, the Pyrano delivers voltages of uV scale ( Sensitivity of 5.41 uV/Wm2) and to make the signal readbale by the arduino it needs to be implified, i started by testing sone amplfiers and i came across AD624 , while simulating my circuit an input of 1mV gave an amplification of 500 mV ( i set the gain= 500) however when i change it to 1uV or 1V the amplification gives unreasonable results knowing that i only used the AD624 a voltage source and a multimeter nothing else attached , what may be the problem ?
I am working on a circuit connecting a pyranometer and an arduino board, the Pyrano delivers voltages of uV scale ( Sensitivity of 5.41 uV/Wm2) and to make the signal readbale by the arduino it needs to be implified, i started by testing sone amplfiers and i came across AD624 , while simulating my circuit an input of 1mV gave an amplification of 500 mV ( i set the gain= 500) however when i change it to 1uV or 1V the amplification gives unreasonable results knowing that i only used the AD624 a voltage source and a multimeter nothing else attached , what may be the problem ?