I am thinking about a circuit to interface a pwm signal to control a triac.
I have an application where I have a pic producing PWM where I want to then control (dimm) using a triac on 240 Volts.
The usual circuit for a triac uses (basic) a cap and resitor to set the firing point/voltage on the 240 volt sine wave.
Is there a way to convert PWM to say a digital variable resistor to control the triac output ?
I know there are ways of doing triac control with a pic - but this involves tracking the sine wave, then timming the pulse to fire the triac each cycle.
I am after an way of using a simple PWM output from the PIC to dim 240 volts.
any bright ideas ?
I am thinking about a circuit to interface a pwm signal to control a triac.
I have an application where I have a pic producing PWM where I want to then control (dimm) using a triac on 240 Volts.
The usual circuit for a triac uses (basic) a cap and resitor to set the firing point/voltage on the 240 volt sine wave.
Is there a way to convert PWM to say a digital variable resistor to control the triac output ?
I know there are ways of doing triac control with a pic - but this involves tracking the sine wave, then timming the pulse to fire the triac each cycle.
I am after an way of using a simple PWM output from the PIC to dim 240 volts.
any bright ideas ?