Progressive voltage controlling circuit??

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New Member
Hello, I am looking for some assistance in building a specific circuit for my auto.

Excuse me if my explanation of this is horrible, but I'll give it a try...

I am looking to build an injection system ( methanol) for my vehicle, that will be triggered to come on with the onset of boost pressure in the intake manifold. This would turn on the system and progressively ramp up voltage to the 12 v DC diaphragm injection pump. The circuit itself seems vary simple, but my question is more so, the "progressive controller circuit" I would like to incorporate. What this would do is, once the system is active ( by the Hobbs switch), at say 5 psi of boost pressure, the pump begins spraying into the engine... as TIME increases or better yet AIRFLOW increases, the pump speed would increase as well, up to full boost pressure (20 psi) where the injection pump would level out flow/pressure at full battery voltage, and sustain, until the throttle is released.

I would LOVE to tie this voltage controller circuit into the MASS AIR FLOW sensor somehow. I do know the MAF sensor reads in 0-5 v, and I believe it's an analog signal, that the vehicles ECU converts to Digital.

Just throwing a couple ideas out there, but in it's most simple form this setup will need some sort of voltage controller or progressive controller.

Anyone have any ideas, share them!

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