Programmer Experts - Need review

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New Member
I have been working on a JDM design and wanted some advice/reviews on the design. I'm not taking any credit for it, it is just several schematics lego'd together. The traces for the 40 pin may not be correct, I haven't gone over those 100% yet. I am more interested in the 18 pin for now.

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Have you tried prototyping (point to point wiring) the JDM before you make a PCB? JDMs are notoriously unreliable programmers. You'll also need a real RS232 port the USB ones won't work.
I haven't made it yet. I have plenty of copper to try it though. I have some proto boards but it seems like it would be too much wiring to try just for a test. I hope to get the bugs worked out by going over the design before I build the first one. I will add the fill planes after I finish the whole thing. I kept it out to keep it cleaner while asking for a review.

And yeah, I've heard about the usb->RS232. Everything I have has the real one.
To my experience JDMs are not good choice but still for some people it works so try it. Actually with JDM the voltage must be raised quick enough from 0 to 12V for successful programming so make sure this usb --> RS232 does that.
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