Hello, my problem is related to pressure transducer. I have a pressure transducer Data Instruments (now Honeywell) AB model 25 psi. Datasheet is here: https://stevenengineering.com/tech_support/PDFs/31DTMAIN.pdf . (My transducer in datasheet is first, AB model). Problem is, that when I power this transducer from usb connector, transducer didn't work correctly. When there is no pressure, I get the 2.5V DC voltage in my multimeter, but according to datasheet Zero Output is 0 + 5 mV. Also, when I pressure transducer there is no change, anyway 2.5V from transducer. In my opinion power source is good, because voltage between Excitation+ and Excitation- is 5V. So, maybe anything of you know what problem it can be?