printing whole numbers


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I'm working on a project where I'm displaying a temperature reading from a DS18B20 to my 4x20 LCD. I coppied a sample code
for Arduino Nano for the DS18B20 online from here:
that displays the temp using the serial monitor and that part works good but when I display the temperature to my LCD it's
trying to display a decimal point and 2 extra numbers to another line of my LCD that has text in it so it's flasning over the first
3 charcaters of that text line.

I kinda remember I had that problem years ago with a ds1820 when I first got into arduino and on a forum I asked how to display just whole numbers and now I can't remember the the code snipet that solved my problem.

Dose anyone here know a solution?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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