PrintF output with MPlabX / XC8 / Debugger / Pic18F

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Well-Known Member

Beginners question please ! is there a simple way to route the printF statements output to a window within MplabX debugger so we can get an immediate visual ?

Seen some web mention of DBPrint but that only seems to be for Pic32 , not accepted with pic18F.
You need to send the output to the uart and then to an output window... If you initialize then uart and write the putch(); to output to the uart.. When you open the serial output in MPLABX it will be displayed..

This is the test code..
* File:  uart test.c
* Author: Ian Rogers
* Created on 12 November 2014, 18:34
#include <xc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void Serinit(void)
  TRISC = 0xFF;
  RCSTA = 0xB0;
  TXSTA = 0x24;
  SPBRG = 0x12;
void putch(char data)

TXREG = data;
void main() {
  char x;


  printf("Hello world \n\r");


If you right click on your project... Select "Properties"... Select "Conf:[default]... select "Simulator" Then from the drop down box.... Select "USART IO Options" Tick the box and select window ( not file ) then you should see an output window when you debug...
Hi Ian,

Works perfectly, exactly what we were after, would have taken a year and a day to work that one out ! many thanks.
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