Power Abreviations

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Someone Electro said:
Vss and Vdd is mostly used by digital circuits.

Actually it's usually CMOS circuits, as Vss refers to source voltage and Vdd refers to drain voltage.
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Why do most circuits I've seen have been using Vss for ground and Vcc, Vdd for the positive supply?
Joel Rainville said:

Why do most circuits I've seen have been using Vss for ground and Vcc, Vdd for the positive supply?

Because the DRAIN of the FET's goto to positive (Vdd), the collector of a bipolar IC goto positive (Vcc), and the SOURCE of the FET goes to ground (Vss).

These obviously apply to NPN and N channel devices, but it's common practice for IC's, and used regardless of polarity (a chip will almost certainly have BOTH polarity devices internally anyway!).
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