Please Suggest me a System Engineering Project

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New Member
Hello friends, I am a engineering student(Computer Science) entering in final year. I want to do a semester project in the field of System Engineering. Could you please suggest me some good ideas.
I am good at C/C++/C#/Java,Unix Shell Programming and love doing Electronics projects which have something related to Computer Science also.

I want more and more ideas please don't just see this post but reply also if you have some ideas, I am helpless.
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How about build your own PC from scratch, with your own operating system ?
Do something with System Engineering using C/C++/C#/Java,Unix Shell Programming. I would relate it to Computer Science.
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"System Engineering" could mean a 1000+ things!
Unfortunately, creativity, inspiration and imagination can not be taught. That is why Einstein did not become a draftsman. E
What about a web based power supply? Completely useless project as it stands, but it will demonstrate your knowledge of electronics in many different fields

It could incorporate a web interface to make it remotely controllable (even from another country), controlling a PIC micro at the other end to decode the instructions. This could drive a D to A converter to produce an analogue signal to modulate the feedback node on a power supply (linear or switched mode, depending on how brave you feel). All areas of electronics in one project. If you can knock up something like that and demonstrate it in an interview, forget your teacher: that will probably get you into a respectable design job
Keep it civil

I have cleaned up this thread.
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Go for a sophisticated Face recognition by building your own operating system
"the one shown in "don't mess with Zohan"
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