? Please or Help ? like a swear word ?

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Well-Known Member
How is it the someone get's a red square asking a Question. Is it because the question isn't really what matter's but how you fit in that does ? Or to say please & help, I thought was to be nice ?
What'd you get a red square for? I don't necessarily find please or help annoying. It's when it comes off completely insincere (like when someone is asking for an entire school project to be done for them and says plllzzzzzz). And if all that is said in the thread title is help or please, without any information...well, usually you know what to expect when you read the opening post.
That's fine but,I got the in the User cp to recieve this ?
Perhaps the reason nobody helped you, is that all you said is that "I need help kbyethx"
When all I wanted was Nigal to answere a simple question ? From a different thread.
So, I reposted ( does anybody know the old B+ trick ?) I was expecting a simple answere from a qualified tech with experience who would be inform and protect me from myself my God some of these kids are juicing themselfs without experience ?
Oh, and I just remember a quote from a Tech who once told me that Aliens, have a green glow from sucking of high voltage wire ?
Sounds fishy to me but just like most things I don't understand it is is easier to believe that than to believe in God.
And you guy's are like gods. Inspire, Teach , Lead. whooooa !
I'm just an alien and green with envy.
I know that chat room shorthand is not alowed in here. And you probably could have elaborated a little more on the "B+ trick". Some one may know excatly what you are talking about but know it by some other term. Keep in mind that there are people from different countries and cultures in here. Something else that rubs people wrong in here is not putting your location.
Killivolt, that "B+trick" thread was incredibly cryptic. I honestly thought you were on some sort of mind-altering substance. Maybe English is not your first language, or maybe you have trouble putting your thoughts into print, but whatever the reason, practically all your of posts there irritated me, and I am not the guy who gave you the bad rep. As Gaston said, knowing your location might cause us to cut you a little more slack.
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