I'm working on camera traps, trying to make pictures of animals in the wild with IR detectors linked to cameras. I am currently working on a double camera project, so as to take two pictures of the same animal, one from each side. When the first camera's detector detects the animal, it takes the picture and sends a signal to the second camera for it to trigger. Now I'd like to know what is the most simple and cheap way of transmitting this little pulse from camera one to camera two. RF transmitters? Any help greatly appreciated!
I'm working on camera traps, trying to make pictures of animals in the wild with IR detectors linked to cameras. I am currently working on a double camera project, so as to take two pictures of the same animal, one from each side. When the first camera's detector detects the animal, it takes the picture and sends a signal to the second camera for it to trigger. Now I'd like to know what is the most simple and cheap way of transmitting this little pulse from camera one to camera two. RF transmitters? Any help greatly appreciated!