A while back I posted a simple 18 pin ZIF socket veroboard design here, and I've recently been using one for programming a fair PIC's as I've been building PCB's at home during lock down.
I've now exhausted the old design PCB's, and will be moving to a different PIC on the next generation boards, which will be 28 pin - so I thought I'd design a ZIF PCB for it this time, and order from JLCPCB - I also thought 'why not make it multifunctional while I'm doing' so it will accept various size PIC's, I've seen various such examples online over the years.
Anyway, rather than go through all the datasheets to check the ISCP pins on different devices I thought I'd google it, as there's bound to be numerous examples that people have already done, and it will save working it all out.
My personal favourite was this one:
As rather than numerous plug-in links to select different devices, you simply plug the PICKIT in one of three places (and I may still build one like that).
However, another link was this:
Which is ludicrously cheap (less than half the cost of the ZIF alone from RS Components), comes from the UK, and has free postage - so I ordered one.
If anyone is looking for a cheap ZIF adaptor for their PICKIT then it looks well worth a try.
I've now exhausted the old design PCB's, and will be moving to a different PIC on the next generation boards, which will be 28 pin - so I thought I'd design a ZIF PCB for it this time, and order from JLCPCB - I also thought 'why not make it multifunctional while I'm doing' so it will accept various size PIC's, I've seen various such examples online over the years.
Anyway, rather than go through all the datasheets to check the ISCP pins on different devices I thought I'd google it, as there's bound to be numerous examples that people have already done, and it will save working it all out.
My personal favourite was this one:
PICKIT3 ICSP Adapter PCB – Electronics Projects Circuits
Pickit2 dealing with using a lot of pic programming is still very popular pickit3 a factor in the late appearance of the version, though pickit 3 ICSP ZIF socke
As rather than numerous plug-in links to select different devices, you simply plug the PICKIT in one of three places (and I may still build one like that).
However, another link was this:
Which is ludicrously cheap (less than half the cost of the ZIF alone from RS Components), comes from the UK, and has free postage - so I ordered one.
If anyone is looking for a cheap ZIF adaptor for their PICKIT then it looks well worth a try.