PIC18F/C18 tutorial beta test group forming

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Coop Build Coordinator
Forum Supporter
I am looking for a few people willing to beta test, proof, and to some extent guide the direction of these tutorials. The goal is two tutorials per week. We will hold frequent Skype help and brain storm session in connections with the tutorial text on a regular basis. The tutorials will require a Junebug or PICkit2 and a breadboard to use in place of the Junebug tutor circuit. If you are interested PM me.

I would like to have
  • People who do not know how to program in any language
  • People who can program in one language that is not C
  • People who know C
  • People who do not have English as a first language

The first 2 tutorials can be found at the link in my signature. The goal is to have 10 finished in about 1 month.
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It should be up now.

Your rocklore link does not seem to work.

It should be up now.

I needed to shut off the electric to the entire house fast so I switched off the main breakers. Linux said hda lost interrupt. I reseated the IDE cable on the drive and it started working.

It has been one of the interesting days.

EDIT: I have 3 people so far.
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I would like to find one more warm body that does not know how to program in any language. Other then that we have a full team.

The last 3 days have been interesting in the Chinese sense. We had what seemed to be an intermittent natural gas leak in the house. When it first happened we vented the house and called the only local plumbing company (after hours). They had loaned the gas sniffer out and resorted to checking the pipes for leaks with soap and water. We even sat out by the gas meter to see if it was turning. We did not have a leak.

The next day it happened again. This time we did not vent the house in the hope that we could prove there was a problem. It was during normal hours and the plumbers were out of town on a job. A body from the local gas company came to help and did a bit of looking and found nothing. He did not have a sniffer because theirs was out for repair. He could not smell the gas! Maybe he spends too much time around it. I had him turn the gas off at the meter as I did not want to go boom in the night.

Today one of the plumbers came out to look at the system again. A leak down test of the line from the meter to the house was OK. The house was another matter. He found that the shutoff on the furnace was leaking and replaced it. While he was there he replaced the same vintage shutoff on the water heater.

The law says that if they do any work they also have to remove the gas lines from under the house and route them differently. The pipe runs under a patio slab that will need to be pushed under or cut. But since they are several weeks behind this non urgent part of the job will have to wait. I have no problem with that.

As I speak the plumbers are loading up their truck. We have hot water
Im very interested to help out as well, I do have a little of all of the qualities you are looking for...exept the language part, I speak only english...but I have never, ever programmed a PIC before. I do have a junebug, so I am hoping that maybe this can be tailored around using one of those...or at least a mention be made in your tutorials...

PM me if I can do anything..

I just bought a PICkit 2 and have 12F, 16F and 18F PICs on the way from Microchip. I just started messing with PICs so I have no knowledge of them except for what I have read online. I speak english and spanish and have had experience programming in C++ (although I have forgotten most of it so I would not be able to create a program right now without looking at a template). I have all the materials needed to program a PIC, prototype circuits, and even solder together a perfboard. Let me know if I can be of any service to you since you have been of service to me in some of the threads I have started here
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I have setup a Social Group called C18 Tutorial Testing.

An invite has been sent to each person who offered or requested to help with the tutorials. Accept the invite to join the group. Social Groups can be found in the main menu under Quick Links.
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