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New Member
hello everyone im trying to finish my final project but i'm having a problem i'm using pic16f877A and i need to connect this pic to another one but in wireless way and i'm using PROTEUS version 7.1, i can't find a way to connect them so any idea plz how could i do it or any other programs could help me 10x a lot for helping
IR (light) and RF (radio) are frequently used. Are you looking for a canned solution or a tutorial ?
thank you 3v0 for helping me but what i need is some examples of RF modules where i can find it in PROTEUS because I've been told that TLP434A and RLP434A are good but those devices does not exist in proteus so i need anything else could help me or even another software thank you for helping
Aren't you doiung an electronics course?, then build it in hardware - simulators are only an 'educated guess' and often not terribly accurate. For Manchester wireless coide check my tutorials.
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