Pic16f84 vs. 80515

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I believe that the 80515, from Infineon(formerly Siemens) is a variant of the 8051 architecture. The 16F84 from Microchip is from the midrange PIC family. They have different program and data memory sizes and arrangements. They have different instruction sets. The I/O pins have different electrical structures. All of this would be quite evident if you had taken the time to download, read, and understand the datasheets. Is there soem reason why you did not or can not do this? I'm just wondering.

Yes, I think I deserve that.

pls then what ucontroller is equivalent to the 80515?
HSter, I don't know about others, but I do not appreciate being sent private messages asking the exact same question you posted on the forum just 3 minutes ago. I consider it rather inconsiderate that you are too impatient to wait for an answer (which papabravo gave you only 6 minutes after you posted) so you go bothering random forum members, a cry for attention, as if your question is significantly more important than all of the other ones that are posted on the forum. Like many people on this forum, I try to help people in my spare time, by browsing recent discussion threads. If I find time and feel someone's question is a genuine one, I'll try to answer it, but by sending me a PM it is like you are trying to force me to read and answer. I'm going to be just as willing to help as I would if a complete stranger knocked on my front door and started begging for money.

Your question is not any more important than other people's questions, especially given the nature of this particular question, which demonstrates a complete lack of effort on your part, since it would have been easy for you to answer it yourself if you had actually tried; frankly I think it was a waste of time, on top of your rude PM spamming. If you're going to seek help on a forum, A) stop being lazy, and do your own research so you can ask INFORMED questions and not waste people's time, and B) WAIT to receive answers, and don't force yourself on people, most of us are not sitting here every second waiting to give immediate answers to everyone's questions, we have lives too.
HSter said:
Yes, I think I deserve that.

pls then what ucontroller is equivalent to the 80515?
I believe that the generic architecture of the 80515 from Infineon (you need to confirm this assumption) is called the 8051. It was the root part number of the original part (ca. 1978) made by Intel. I believe that Intel exited the microcontroller market at least a decade and a half ago and in its place are several different companies including but not limited to:

Atmel @ http://www.atmel.com/products/8051/
NXP Semiconductors(formerly Philips) @ **broken link removed**
Maxim/Dallas @ **broken link removed**

I think you should heed evandudes advice very carefully.
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