Pic16f54 programming issues

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dr pepper

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I like to use the 'f54 where I can as its cheap.

I recently tried to program one of these on my kitsrus programmer, but I got failiures.
After examining what was going on I found that the program was dumped into the chip, but all the rom locations after the code instead of being 3fff where 0fff, and the prgrammer was returning this message 'programming error 0x0a expected 3fff, got 0fff', where ox0a was the first location after the program ended.

So I filled up the rest of the chips locations with nop's, and this removed the error, and the chip runs the program.

The other thing was that the programmer didnt recoignize that I'd set the fuses within the source using __config commands, I had to edit them manually.

Any ideas how I can sort this out?
Sounds like a compiler thing rather than the programmer... A programmer just does what its told... What's your compiler?
Mplab ver 8.88 I think.

Never had these issues with any other device.
I have just realised this... Your PK3 went south didn't it... How far from Rochdale are you? The problem MUST be in the programmers firmware.

I was thinking of cobbling a pickit2 together for you.
Well not too far, unlike my pickit which is now is Nige's hands after I messed up replacing its xceivers, I'm in Garstang between preston and lancaster.
I did reprogram the firmware on my kitrus, I remember I wanted to blow a chip that it didnt blow before, I think it was a 18f series, I might have the original dump on one of my backup discs.
I ordered a cheap pickit 2 clone off ebay from malaysia, I'm not in that much of a panic, I'll just develop my code on a 'f628 then dump it to a 'f54, only the file reg addresses and dumping 7 in cmcon is different.
Thanks for your offer, I might well take that up if my newun doesnt arrive soon, the pickit was usefull on my more indepth projects as I developed and debugged on a 'f866 then ported that to my target device.
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