hi. I am working on a project in which I have a PIC12F629 and each of the output pins goes to LEDs and an optoisolator. I wanted to control 6 optoisolators with this chip but found when I got it that the GPIO3(pin4) is only input so that leaves me with only 5 outputs to control 6 things. I dont really feel like buying another chip unless i have to but I realized if i could just get the 6th optoisolator to turn on when any of the other ones are on and be off when the other 5 are off this would work. I cant seem to figure it out though I tried hooking up 2 optoisolators to 1 pin but neither of them would turn on. I also tried using transistors too but im not sure how to set it up exactly. Im using 2 AA batteries to power it btw.