Hi there,
Just found this site and am hoping that someone might be able to help me with a pic query!
retlw 05H
retlw 0FH
retlw 14H
Is it possible to move the address of the first instruction (e.g. retlw 05H) of a rountine (named "label") into the working reg using the following...
movlw label
And then move this value from the working reg into the PCL...
movwf PCL
to 'jump' to that part/instruction in the program.
I know that this is similar to a goto but i require it for a large kinda lookup table.
Apologies if this is a really silly question. Still getting the hang of the whole pic programmnig thing!!
Cheers all
Just found this site and am hoping that someone might be able to help me with a pic query!
retlw 05H
retlw 0FH
retlw 14H
Is it possible to move the address of the first instruction (e.g. retlw 05H) of a rountine (named "label") into the working reg using the following...
movlw label
And then move this value from the working reg into the PCL...
movwf PCL
to 'jump' to that part/instruction in the program.
I know that this is similar to a goto but i require it for a large kinda lookup table.
Apologies if this is a really silly question. Still getting the hang of the whole pic programmnig thing!!
Cheers all