Pic input capture

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I have this doubt about pic controllers or in general micro controllers if i have two input capture modules and if there are two timers you can configure to input capture. Should different timers need to be configured to different input capture or same timer can be configured to both the modules.
Should different timers need to be configured to different input capture or same timer can be configured to both the modules
Of course, it largely depends on the μC, but:

If the "input capture" events will always occur at different times or under different circumstances, one timer with suffice. In this case, of course, you'll have to have some manner of identifying which event is currently being captured. And you may have to perform some interim timer manipulation to accommodate differing event parameters. There might also be issues with the timing between events, especially if that timing is extremely short, i.e., μsecs.

If the "input capture" events might occur simultaneously, then 2, different timers must be used.
Iam sorry i have not explained the question properly. The two capture events are connected to different hardware pins. There is no dependancy between the two.
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