New Member
Before i decide to learn yet another language i have a few questions on the hardware, i hope that someone will find the time to help me, i have been given about 150 16F84's so after them living in my workshop for a while i have decided to see what they are all about, i have been looking at example circuits and was wondering if each chip in a circuit had to have its own 4mhz crystal oscilator or if more than one chip could be connected to it, i realise that there are other chips out there with built in oscilators but i have these chips and it seems a shame to waste them, also at what voltage do the respective inputs on the chips (eg: RA0) go high and is this the same to pull it low, and last but not least (dont forget im new and keen) do you know where there are any examples of basic timer programs that range from 10s to 2hrs as i have only seen very short timers in the example circuits i have seen, thankyou.