PIC 18F2550 + 16 bit ADC (MCP3426) via I2C

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I'm building a circuit which consists of a PIC 18F2550, a 16 bit ADC (Microchip's MCP3426) and an LCD to display the ADC's readings.
The LCD I managed to get it working and developed a couple of routines for it, thats not really the problem now.
My problem is in getting a reading from the ADC via I2C.
Since I have never used I2C before, I looked for help and managed to find **broken link removed**. Using these routines, I found a bit of a problem on the byte write routine.
First I have to send a byte to the MCP, that first byte is composed of:
bits 7-4: Device Code: 1101
bits 3-1: Address bits: thats the problem...
bit 0: Read/Write' bit
After that byte, the byte I send is considered to be the configuration register.

When I say the address bits are the problem it is because nowhere in the datasheet it gives me an exact address for this device. The MCP3427 and 3428 have a table, but for the 3426 it just says it is "programmed at the factory during production". So what am I supposed to do? I tried sending 000, but apparently that didn't work.

Anyone has any clue?

I'm posting the circuit. The I2C code from AN989 (changed a little for my purposes -- so far I have only tried to use routines Init, ByteWrite and ByteRead) is:

;*******************Initialization subroutine*********************
;           This routine initializes the MSSP module
;           for I2C Master mode, with a 100 kHz clock.
    movlw   b'11111111'
    movwf   TRISB               ; Set PORTB to all inputs
    clrf    SSPSTAT             ; Disable SMBus inputs
    bsf     SSPSTAT,SMP         ; Disable slew rate control
    movlw   0x18                ; Load 0x18 into WREG
    movwf   SSPADD              ; Setup 100 kHz I2C clock
    movlw   b'00101000'
    movwf   SSPCON1             ; Enable SSP, select I2C Master mode
    clrf    SSPCON2             ; Clear control bits
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bcf     PIR2,BCLIF          ; Clear Bit Collision flag

;*******************Start bit subroutine**************************
;           This routine generates a Start condition
;           (high-to-low transition of SDA while SCL
;           is still high.
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bsf     SSPCON2,SEN         ; Generate Start condition
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     bstart_wait         ; If not, keep checking


;*******************Restart bit subroutine**************************
;           This routine generates a Repeated Start
;           condition (high-to-low transition of SDA
;           while SCL is still high.
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bsf     SSPCON2,RSEN        ; Generate Restart condition
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     brestart_wait       ; If not, keep checking


;*******************Stop bit subroutine***************************
;           This routine generates a Stop condition
;           (low-to-high transition of SDA while SCL
;           is still high.
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bsf     SSPCON2,PEN         ; Generate Stop condition
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     bstop_wait          ; If not, keep checking


;*******************Data transmit subroutine**********************
;           This routine transmits the byte of data
;           stored in 'datao' to the serial EEPROM
;           device. Instructions are also in place
;           to check for an ACK bit, if desired.
;           Just replace the 'bra' instruction,
;           or create an 'ackfailed' label, to provide
;           the functionality.
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    movf    datao,W             ; Copy datao to WREG
    movwf   SSPBUF              ; Write byte out to device
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     tx_wait             ; If not, keep checking
    btfsc   SSPCON2,ACKSTAT     ; Check if ACK bit was received
    call    ackfailed           ; This executes if no ACK received    


;*******************Data receive subroutine***********************
;           This routine reads in one byte of data from
;           the serial EEPROM device, and stores it in
;           'datai'.  It then responds with either an
;           ACK or a NO ACK bit, depending on the value
;           of 'ACKDT' in 'SSPCON2'.
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bsf     SSPCON2,RCEN        ; Initiate reception of byte
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     rx_wait             ; If not, keep checking
    movf    SSPBUF,W            ; Copy byte to WREG
    movwf   datai               ; Copy WREG to datai
    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
    bsf     SSPCON2,ACKEN       ; Generate ACK/NO ACK bit    
    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
    bra     rx_wait2            ; If not, keep checking


;*******************Byte write test subroutine********************
;           This routine tests the byte write feature
;           of the serial EEPROM device.  It will write
;           1 byte of data to the device at address 0x5A00.
    rcall   BSTART              ; Generate Start condition

                                ; Send control byte
    movlw   WRITE_ADDR          ; Load control byte for write
    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send control byte to device

                                ; Send word address high byte
    movlw   B'10011000'         ; Configuração do MCP!!!
    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
    rcall   TX_BYTE

    rcall   BSTOP               ; Generate Stop condition

;    rcall   Poll                ; Poll for write completion


;*******************Page write test subroutine********************
;           This routine demonstrates the page write
;           feature of the serial EEPROM device.  It will
;           write NUMBYTES number of bytes of data to the
;           device starting at address 0x5A00.  Since this
;           is a page write, all bytes will be written
;           to the device at the same time.
;           Note that if a page boundary is crossed during
;           the operation, the address will wrap back to
;           the beginning of the page, overwriting any
;           previously stored data.
    movlw   NUMBYTES
    movwf   bytecount           ; Initialize counter to NUMBYTES

    rcall   BSTART              ; Generate start bit
                                ; Now we send the control byte
    movlw   WRITE_ADDR
    movwf   datao               ; Copy control byte to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output control byte to device

                                ; Send word address high byte
    movlw   0x5A                ; Use 0x5A for address to send
    movwf   datao               ; Copy address to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE

                                ; Send word address low byte
    movlw   0x00                ; Use 0x00 for address to send
    movwf   datao               ; Copy address to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output address to device

txbyte                          ; This loop transfers all of
                                ; the data bytes to the device
    movf    bytecount,W         ; Use bytecount as data value
    movwf   datao               ; Copy data to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output data to device

    decfsz  bytecount,F         ; Check if finished looping
    bra     txbyte              ; Continue looping

    rcall   BSTOP               ; Generate stop bit
    rcall   Poll                ; Poll for write completion

;*******************Byte read test subroutine*********************
;           This routine tests the byte read feature
;           of the serial EEPROM device.  It will read
;           1 byte of data at address 0x5A00 from the device.
    rcall   BSTART              ; Generate Start condition

;                                ; Send control byte
;    movlw   WRITE_ADDR          ; Load control byte for write
;    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
;    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send control byte to device
;                                ; Send word address high byte
;    movlw   0x5A                ; Load 0x5A for word address
;    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
;    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send high byte to device
;                                ; Send word address low byte
;    movlw   0x00                ; Load 0x00 for word address
;    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
;    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send word address to device
;    rcall   BRESTART            ; Generate Restart condition

                                ; Send control byte
    movlw   READ_ADDR           ; Load control byte for read
    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send control byte to device

                                ; Read data byte
    bsf     SSPCON2,ACKDT       ; Select to send NO ACK bit
    rcall   RX_BYTE             ; Read data byte from device

    rcall   BSTOP               ; Generate Stop condition


;*******************Sequential read test subroutine***************
;           This routine tests the sequential read feature
;           of the serial EEPROM device.  It will read
;           NUMBYTES number of bytes of data to the device
;           starting at address 0x5A00, one byte after another.
    movlw   NUMBYTES
    movwf   bytecount           ; Initialize counter to NUMBYTES

    rcall   BSTART              ; Generate start bit
                                ; Now send the control byte
                                ; for a write, to set address
    movlw   WRITE_ADDR
    movwf   datao               ; Copy control byte to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output control byte to device

                                ; Send word address high byte
    movlw   0x5A                ; Load 0x5A for word address
    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send high byte to device

                                ; Send word address low byte
    movlw   0x00                ; Load 0x5A for word address
    movwf   datao               ; Copy to datao for output
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Send word address to device

    rcall   BRESTART            ; Generate another start bit
                                ;   to switch to read mode
    movlw   READ_ADDR
    movwf   datao               ; Copy control byte to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output control byte to device

                                ; Finally, read the data byte
    decfsz  bytecount,F         ; Check if finished looping
    bra     continue            ; If not finished, keep going
    bsf     SSPCON2,ACKDT       ; Otherwise, select to send NO ACK bit
    rcall   RX_BYTE             ;   and input final byte from device

    rcall   BSTOP               ; Generate stop bit

    bcf     SSPCON2,ACKDT       ; Select to send ACK bit
    rcall   RX_BYTE             ; Input data from device
    bra     rxbyte              ; Continue looping

;*******************Acknowledge Polling subroutine****************
;           This subroutine polls the EEPROM device
;           for an ACK bit, which indicates that the
;           internal write cycle has completed. Code
;           is in place for a timeout routine, just
;           uncomment the 'bra TimedOut' line, and
;           provide a 'TimedOut' label.
    movlw   .40
    movwf   pollcnt             ; Set max polling times to 40
    rcall   BRESTART            ; Generate start bit
    movlw   WRITE_ADDR          ; Now send the control byte
    movwf   datao               ; Copy control byte to buffer
    rcall   TX_BYTE             ; Output control byte to device
    btfss   SSPCON2,ACKSTAT     ; Was the ACK bit low?
    bra     exitpoll            ; If yes, stop polling
                                ; If no, check if polled 40 times
    decfsz  pollcnt,F           ; Is poll counter down to zero?
    bra     polling             ; If no, poll again
;   bra     TimedOut            ; If yes, part didn't respond
                                ; in time, so take action
    rcall   BSTOP               ; Generate stop bit
Regarding the address for the 3246, what other 'lettering' is shown with/after the MCP3426 letters.??? ie anything like A0 etc.??

It's been a while since I put my hands in this project, but I've been at it again and have some doubts. Apparently, I'm now correctly addressing the MCP3426 and I can acquire some measurements from the ADC, but I'm not sure about the contents of the conversion.
For instance, whenever I have 0V on the inputs, the ADC returns me a number around 653 (dec) and whenever I have 1V at the inputs, the ADC returns me a number around 1030 (dec).
I'm in 16bit mode, PGA=1 and VDD=5V.
Whit this, at 16bit, shouldn't 0V be 0 (dec, or 0x0000) and 1V be 1/5 of 0xFFFF (0x333 or d'13.107')?

The following is the code for the I2C communication with the MCP (based on AN989):
 WRITE_ADDR     equ             b'11010000'     ; Address byte do MCP3426, operação de escrita
 READ_ADDR      equ             b'11010001' ; Address byte do MCP3426, operação de leitura
 CLRF   TRISB                           ; Configura PORTB como saída
 BSF            TRISB,0                         ; Configura SDA (RB0) como entrada
 BSF            TRISB,1                         ; Configura SCL (RB1) como entrada
 MOVLW  b'10000000'
 MOVLW   .19                                    ; Valor para o clock de 100kHz e FOSC de 8MHz
 MOVWF   SSPADD              ; Setup 100 kHz I2C clock
     MOVLW   b'00101000'
     MOVWF   SSPCON1             ; Enable SSP, select I2C Master mode
     CLRF    SSPCON2             ; Clear control bits
     BCF     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     BCF     PIR2,BCLIF          ; Clear Bit Collision flag
;******************* Start bit subroutine**************************
 BSTART    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     bsf     SSPCON2,SEN         ; Generate Start condition
 bstart_wait    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
     bra     bstart_wait         ; If not, keep checking
;******************* Restart bit subroutine**************************
 BRESTART    bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     bsf     SSPCON2,RSEN        ; Generate Restart condition
 brestart_wait    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
     bra     brestart_wait       ; If not, keep checking
;******************* Stop bit subroutine***************************
 BSTOP  bsf     SSPCON2,PEN     ; send stop bit
 btfsc  SSPCON2,PEN     ; has stop bit been sent?
 goto   $-2             ; no, loop back to test
;******************* Data transmit subroutine**********************
     bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     movf    datao,W             ; Copy datao to WREG
     movwf   SSPBUF              ; Write byte out to device
 tx_wait    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
     bra     tx_wait             ; If not, keep checking
     btfsc   SSPCON2,ACKSTAT     ; Check if ACK bit was received
     call    ackfailed           ; This executes if no ACK received    
 ;******************* Data receive subroutine***********************
     bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     bsf     SSPCON2,RCEN        ; Initiate reception of byte
     btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
     bra     rx_wait             ; If not, keep checking
     movf    SSPBUF,W            ; Done! Copy byte to WREG
     movwf   datai               ; Copy WREG to datai
     bcf     PIR1,SSPIF          ; Clear SSP interrupt flag
     bsf     SSPCON2,ACKEN       ; Generate ACK/NO ACK bit
    rx_wait2    btfss   PIR1,SSPIF          ; Check if operation completed
     bra     rx_wait2            ; If not, keep checking
; Send a command to the MCP
     RCALL   BSTART              ; Gera condição de início
     MOVLW   WRITE_ADDR          ; Carrega byte de controle para escrita
     MOVWF   datao               ; Carrega o byte de controle em datao
     RCALL   TX_BYTE             ; Envia o byte de controle
     MOVFF      Comando,datao           ; Envia o byte de configuração para o registrador datao
     RCALL   TX_BYTE                            ; Envia o byte de configuração
     RCALL   BSTOP               ; Gera condição de parada
     RETURN    ; Acquire from the MCP
     RCALL   BSTART              ; Gera condição de início
     MOVLW   READ_ADDR           ; Carrega byte de controle para leitura
     MOVWF   datao               ; Carrega o byte de controle em datao
     RCALL   TX_BYTE             ; Envia o byte de controle
 BTFSC  SSPCON2,ACKSTAT         ; Se ACKSTAT=0 (ACK recebido), pula a linha
 GOTO   ACKStatTest                     ; Se ACKSTAT=1 (ACK não recebido), tenta novamente
     BCF     SSPCON2,ACKDT       ; Envia o bit ACK
     RCALL   RX_BYTE             ; Lê o byte de dados do MCP (carrega em datai)
     MOVFF      datai,MCP_MSB
     BSF     SSPCON2,ACKDT       ; Envia o bit NO ACK, para ler o próximo byte e parar
     RCALL   RX_BYTE             ; Lê o byte de dados do MCP (carrega em datai)
     MOVFF      datai,MCP_LSB
     RCALL   BSTOP               ; Gera condição de parada

And the configuration byte is 10011000

Can anyone give me some advice on these results? Thanks!!
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