So I have programmed 876's in the past and now using what we have am using this pic to send data to a transparent latch. Now I have configured PORTC as all outputs
but when I come to manipulate PRTC,0 I get no high output. However, in resistance, the meter 'sounds' continuity for every pulse but there is no high output, i.e. switching between hiZ and ground only. PRTC,1,2,3 etc ok
Oh and tried 3 chips, nothing connected to the output either.
I thought I had configured outputs properly, my header is below...
Can anyone help me see wood for trees?
but when I come to manipulate PRTC,0 I get no high output. However, in resistance, the meter 'sounds' continuity for every pulse but there is no high output, i.e. switching between hiZ and ground only. PRTC,1,2,3 etc ok
Oh and tried 3 chips, nothing connected to the output either.
I thought I had configured outputs properly, my header is below...
Can anyone help me see wood for trees?
org 0
clrf PORTA
clrf PORTB
clrf PORTC
; clrf PORTD
clrf PORTE
banksel CM2CON0 ;B2
clrf CM1CON0
clrf CM2CON0
banksel OSCCON ;B1
movlw b'01110000' ;8Mhz selected
movwf OSCCON
banksel ANSEL ;B3
movlw 0x00 ;Set portA to digital I/O
movwf ANSEL
banksel TRISA ;B1
movlw 0xFF
movwf TRISA ; all portC OUTPUTS
movwf TRISE
; movwf TRISD
movlw 0x00
movwf TRISB
movwf TRISC
banksel OPTION_REG ;B1/3
movlw b'10000111' ;use Prescale 256:1 **NOT YET DEFINED**
clrf T1CON