Period calculation with PIC18 using C18

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When you add the code put it in the Code Tags, it's the symbol above marked (#) rap it in the code tags to make it easier to read.

When you use XLCD code examples.... You have to edit the XLCD.H to suit the application.... Copy said file from the header directory to your working directory... Edit the file so it suits YOUR hardware..Then rename the declaration to.
killivolt i'm sorry about that.

Ian Rogers but when i try to program lcd just for display some phrases it works fine without rename the declaration. But any way i will try it.
thank you
killivolt i'm sorry about that.

Ian Rogers but when i try to program lcd just for display some phrases it works fine without rename the declaration. But any way i will try it.
thank you

If it works with some operations, then it set up correctly already...
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