Pass The Parcel

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Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

If you're like me and buy the odd item from our colonial brethren you might also share my frustration at the number of different websites often needed to track a shipment.

I came across this site recently and it seems capable of tracking shipments regardless of the source or carrier.

I have 3 shipments en route from different sources in China at present involving different carriers but I have up to date tracking for all 3 on this site.

You might find it useful .. .. .. ..


I just tried one within the UK that's due today (with DPD) and it got that, so it's not restricted to Asian carriers, either.
Just tried it with a package from Microchip to Australia via Fedex and it found the package. Seems I'll get my Pickit4 on Wednesday \o/


I've tried various tracking sites for parcels from China, and they never seem very good at all - most you get seems to be "it's been dispatched" followed by "it's been delivered". But to be fair, even some of the big UK/USA carriers have crap tracking as well "your parcel will be delivered to day between 9:00AM and 8:00PM" - thanks a lot for that!

A VERY few have good tracking, such as 'some' Amazon deliveries - "your parcel is x drops away" - and shows a map where it is.

I guess those are the kinds of problems one experiences when living in a technology limited country. Ask your politicians to fund research, encourage new technology startups. The only think I ever hear about UK technology is people trying to repair electronics that the rest of the world considers disposable.
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