Hi to all....
I hope someone can shed some lite on this problem i'm having.
i'm trying to control the output pins 2-9 well any pin would be nice
i cant seem to shut the power off on 23456pins it is allways on no mater what ,,all are puting out 5v except pin 5 its at 2.5v
I have tryed this program called parallel port debug tool well for one
thing when i turn on all that is 23456789 nothing hapens to the 23456
but what does happens is 9 10 11 12 13 and 24 come on.....
i gess my question is how do you use 23456789 when 23456 wont shut off.
:evil: I am so lost any info would help......
I hope someone can shed some lite on this problem i'm having.
i'm trying to control the output pins 2-9 well any pin would be nice
i cant seem to shut the power off on 23456pins it is allways on no mater what ,,all are puting out 5v except pin 5 its at 2.5v
I have tryed this program called parallel port debug tool well for one
thing when i turn on all that is 23456789 nothing hapens to the 23456
but what does happens is 9 10 11 12 13 and 24 come on.....
i gess my question is how do you use 23456789 when 23456 wont shut off.
:evil: I am so lost any info would help......