oscilliscope help...

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Active Member
I already own a 2430A oscope, but I dropped it and broke the CRT.
I found this one for sale for parts, but I'm not sure if the picture tube is still in there or not.

would it be at all possible to tell from the picture?
**broken link removed**
Check the broken CRT, as i see, this have internal raster. If yes, when You see the raster - this is a CRT (hope is healthy...)
If the OSCOPE in question is the one your picture shows then the Scope has a CRT. Otherwise if you even get a dot on the screen it would still be a good sign. Looks like it may have some missing connectors and cards though, which is alright. For parts any way.
Every CRT that Tektronix made since around 1968 or 1970 has had nothing but an internal graticule. This one definitely has the CRT. Beware the "hangar queen" with too may parts missing, however. If the price is right, you can afford to take the fall if the CRT is bad. But if they want too much for it, it's no bargain. A scope with this many "minor" parts missing may have some major problems with the CRT. But usually, the CRT of a Tek scope is danged reliable. The ones that I've replaced have been because the scope was dropped, not because the CRT just "went bad".

I have a kit 'scope that I've had for about 40 years and use it nearly every day.
It developed a broken weld to its grid inside its CRT. I whack it really hard on its screen and it continues to work until I move it. I can't find another 'scope with the same CRT to swap, so I just don't move it. :lol:
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