On/off ac power delay

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New Member
We need a to put delay on the power switch on a machine so that we can prevent any damages on the electronics board, co'z by our experience when we turn OFF & then ON just for a split of a second some boards will be affected or damage. We could not control the human error so we need to have a circuit delay on the switching ON & OFF...
im sure there is a better way of doing this but what comes to mind is. the on button triggers a 555 which has a frequency of something like .5hz then the 555 output turns on a transistor which turns on a relay and the realy self latches, the relay supplyies your circuit board. that would work for a toggle style swich not a momentary, youd need to figure something else out to break the latch when the mom switch is pressed again.

there is a bounce when the relay turns on, dont know if that would matter?
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