I am building a voice-activated remote control for my TV (RCA), VCR (GE), DVD (SONY), and stereo (SONY). The problem is that I don't know the IR codes for each button and for all the different manufacturers (and I don't mean the codes that you set on a universal remote, but the actual 32-, 64-, or 128-bit codes that get sent to the device for each button). Also, some of them have different modulation frequencies. Does anyone know where to find a univerasal remote control IC that supports different manufacturer's and devices?
The alternative is to build a dectector circuit and record all of the codes; but, this seems a bit mundane for a hobby project!
If anyone has any ideas, I would be glad to hear them.
The alternative is to build a dectector circuit and record all of the codes; but, this seems a bit mundane for a hobby project!
If anyone has any ideas, I would be glad to hear them.