obtain data from char string

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Hi all,

I am sending data from a GUI (designed using C#) to a PIC microcontroller. Each data is separated by a "," and each data string is terminated by a "\n". This is how I am doing it.

send_s = "#DCMC#" + "," + kp + "," + ki + "," + kd + "," + v + "," + i + "," + t + "," + s + "," + "\n"; 
if (!serialPort1.IsOpen) 
buff = send_s.ToCharArray(); 
serialPort1.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length);

The values kp, ki, kd, v, i, t, s are integers converted into characters. The phrase #DCMC# acts as an identifier so if the incoming string starts with "#DCMC#" then accept the string.

How do I obtain the integer data from this string? (I am using mikroC PRO for PIC)

It's comma de-limited... This means you can use the comma in the function "strtok()"

This ids an example taken from the net


int main(){

   constchar str[80]="This is - www.tutorialspoint.com - website";

   constchar s[2]="-";

   /* get the first token */
   token = strtok(str, s);
   /* walk through other tokens */

   while( token != NULL ){
      printf(" %s\n", token );  
      token = strtok(NULL, s);

Here the token is "-"
Token is a pointer to the new string..

Once you have done this number = atoi(token); can be used.
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