Now the world know the truth about the terror attack on the World Trade Center

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Ahmud Ahmadinedschad (Prime Minister of Iran) has disclosed the truth about Sept. 11th 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed costing thousands of lives.

He announced the disclosure at the UN yesterday.

It was the USA themselves initiating the act of terrorism.

Go figure.

The man from Iran is a total nutcase. He comes off to the world as Mr. Benevolence, yet in secrecy, is just the opposite.
Sorry Sceadwian,

I didn't read your post. This man is extremely scary. Guess where Iran will test their first nuclear bomb!
Yeah, that's where politics come into play though, no one actually wants to use the bomb but everyone wants to have it, if one were ever actually used like that the world would jump on that country so fast it'd be ridiculous, it's a horrible political can of worms and games these idiots are playing with people's lives.
i am from Iran
now you can see that some really crazy people are leading us.
every time that he went, he done and says some crazy things.
e.g. in the firs time that he went there, after that he came back, he went to one of our clergy men and said: "when i was talking in UN i saw a yellow light that is around my face."
after that he had a TV conversation in Iran about his trip.and he said :"when i was in that big black cars in the street i saw a little boy in her mothers arms.he was about 6 month old , i saw that he is pointing toward me and saying to his mother:Mahmud Ahmadinejad."

i am not joking he really said that.
so as you see he always wants to say some stupid things.
most of people in Iran hate this man. they are really torture us.
I can not possible comprehend what that must be like jangal, I wish it were not that way for you. The crap we have to put up with in the US is much different and less immediately threatening that what you have to put up with.

Oppression from your present government is quite sad and very unfortunate.
You know the basis of FREEDOM is the right of people to do what they want to. If you hold to that principle then you must respect their right and anyones to have a bomb. Just as have the USA , England , France, Israel, Pakistan , India, China, Russia ad nausium.

I think that freedom should only be interfered with when the exercising of that freedom impinges on somebody else´s freedom. So until they explode one out side of their own domain it should not be anyones business . People should mind their own business When something or someone impinges on them they can then start to complain and do something about it most properly but you must hold to the principle of freedom

Incidently I believe it is entirely possible that the USA had an involvement with that incident . You can always judge these things by their repercussions . Governments striving to enslave and extort their citizens ( and this is all of them for power and money ) now have much more legislated power to intrude into your life and property.

We , the people are in serious trouble ! We are enslaved and kept forcibly healthy to work and earn for the Government. We must not indulge our wishes too much lest we be unable to work and pay tax to the Government. Get up, go to work , go to bed so you can continue this for as long as they can possibly keep you there.

I suggest the old drop out , stop earning and start receiving the dole/pension , get some of your money back. Buy a boat ,a 4wd, a caravan, have fun and really do something with your life. It is yours and its the only one you will ever have . Don´t waste it
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Tytower, you're paranoid if you think the government of this country actually has that much control over it's citizens you have too much faith in the government. This is mass psychological dynamics in action, the little countries/groups/whatever have discovered they can influence the global domain. Even the little voices shout (I know, WE know, I have the solution!) You don't have power though, just a voice, and one that's wasted against a system if you can't work to affect it, and simply shouting from the hill's doesn't work.
Well call it whatever you will. Call me what ever you will ,Putting your head in the sand will not make it go away. His voice does have power , has affected the world and his shout from the hills has certainly had a very strong effect.

You see, because of such events as Oliver Norths Iran Contra arms dealings, the USA has lost its credibility and they will not get it back .This is all public to the world and the USA´s clandestine operations are being seen on the world stage as warmongering and lies
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This applies very much to you . Usually people feed back things they have been called, to others. Some sort of get even thing I suppose. Or perhaps you have just learned some new words and want to try them out . Whatever calm down ,reality is a bit bigger than what you or I see.
Anyone who thinks their government has clean hands is delusional. A country would not last long without its "dirty hands".

At times it goes too far. Sure. Hard to keep a lid on black or "behind closed doors" operations.
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So until they explode one out side of their own domain it should not be anyones business

If it were anything other than WMDs and/or their delivery systems, I would whole-heartedly agree with you on this point. Unfortunately, the US and other countries know full-well what even a small nuclear weapon can do, the devastation and turmoil such a device can bring to the world stage. While chemical and biological systems aren't anything to be trifled with either, their limited area effects tend to make them seem not as pressing to deal with as nuclear weapons; I think this is likely also why so-called "rogue" countries seek to acquire nuclear weapons instead of those other, relatively simpler systems. Unfortunately, the world has, for a long time, not been privy (outside of maybe a computer screen) to the true destructive potential of nuclear weapons. I honestly think that for all the supposed good the test ban treaties accomplished, the fact that since the ban has kept younger generations (especially of those in charge militarily and politically) from honestly knowing the true "power and destruction" a nuclear weapon can deliver, these same people, I think, have become complacent towards their use. I fear that this complacency will ultimately lead to another deliberate usage of such weapons. These are devices which should have signaled to the human race that we now had the capability to virtually wipe ourselves off the planet (as well as a good chunk of the ecosystem). To a certain extent, it did. But that memory and knowledge seems to be fading quickly.

We had better hope that the next usage of such a weapon is only a low-yield (or even high yield) nuclear device; we are rapidly approaching the ability to create a weapons technology which could be even more devastating to humanity, if not the planet itself (anti-matter and nanomachines are two near-term - 50-100 years, perhaps sooner - technologies in this regard). Sadly, it seems, we as a species really aren't socially evolved enough to be wielding nuclear weapons, let alone anything in the future.

Our path for survival is narrow and treacherous; I think many see this and/or know it nearly instinctively, which is why they seek to limit proliferation of the technology by any means possible. At the same time, we know that Pandora's box can't be closed. Perhaps it is hoped that we can keep things stable enough for a long enough time until that needed social evolution occurs; I tend to doubt it will ever occur, though - one would think we would have figured it out after WW2 (or Korea, or Vietnam, or Iraq, or...?), but it doesn't seem that way.

I still often wonder what might have been had the United States not squandered the money it has on the current wars in the Middle East, and instead had invested all that money on a combination of better K-12 education with a focus on science, logic, mathematics, reasoning, and rationality, coupled with programs to initiate a "Manhattan"-scale project devoted to exploring, creating, and expanding alternative (and nuclear) energy projects across the country (while pulling back on our "world police presence" military-wise in the ME and elsewhere). Maybe instead of the world quagmire that all of this has ultimately caused, we would instead be prosperous, continued to have a surplus, and we would have an export the world wanted. I don't think we can ever "get off of oil" - but for most fuel purposes, there are viable alternatives (also - a lot of the alternative would be a lot more viable if we all didn't insist on having big, fast, and powerful vehicles - most of that isn't necessary for most people).

Don't get me wrong - this isn't a "Republican vs Democrat" thing, either (from a US perspective) - its our entire polarized society that is ultimately at fault. We don't make education the priority in this country; we cut science, maths and the arts in favor of sports and standardized testing. We force "teaching to the test", instead of actual critical thinking and logic skills that would better our country (likely because if we did that, it would lead to a population that would challenge the status-quo come election time - and we can't have that, can we?). We seemingly care more about superstition and mythology, than on reality, rationality and facts. Indeed, we seemingly care more about what a particular inception of a mythologized all-powerful father figure seems to care about what is going on between two or more consenting adults do in their bedroom, than we do about solving the hard, reality-based problems. Indeed, we fight over the very supposed sacred "books" and traditions, saying one is right and the other wrong, and fight, fight, fight; never stopping to think like an adult rationally about the situation.

Sometimes I feel we'll never get out of this mess, that the inmates are running the asylum and have been for centuries, and our species will likely bear the brunt of devastation because of it in the end...
What can I say ?
Man´s mental improvement can´t come from oppression , Personally I think it has to come from his freedom. It would be a supreme optimist who believed a nuclear bomb won´t be used by someone , somewhere, soon. North Korea´s in the club too .
The earth can´t survive much more of the weight of 10 billion people crammed in and expanding. ¨She´s gonna blow Captain¨ and this is not a TV show
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