New Post Rating Feature

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Today I have just enabled a new post rating system that allows you to give a +1 or -1 vote to individual posts. Please note that I am going to be change it's look and feel to blend in with the layout.

Comments are appreciated.

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What difference is this from the reputation system which currently doesn't mean anything?

I have a couple notifications of it already, but it's just a couple numbers there no mention of who left the positive/negative feedback.
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I wonder if there should be a place on your profile page where you can find comments left by other members who rated your posts. In other words, a member would rate your post as +1 or -1 and leave a comment, and you can check your profile to see the comments?

Then again, maybe it could just be linked with the reputation "badge" that's already here (that Sceadwian mentioned)? Maybe 5 +1s give you another green bar? Or 10 +1s?

Just a few more ideas thrown out there

Keep up the great work!
Der Strom
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I see it on threads now, took a bit. I did however have notifications about a +1 and a -1 that would link to the thread they occurred in, but since I read the original notification I can't find the link again. Where's it located at? Knowing the users that liked/disliked a particular post would be very useful. The ability to make a comment on the reason for the like/dislike, would be good too, but it would be easy enough to use a 'click through' box that defaulted to no comment for the bulk majority of users that didn't want to leave a comment just a thumbs up or down. Perhaps simple clicking the +1 for a particular post after already having +1'd it would allow for a comment to be placed, most users would never notice it, the few that tried to like a post a second time would be given the option to leave a comment.

I see this as being a very simple and easy way to leave basic feedback, but with no score like the Reputation system it doesn't have much of a chance to be abused.
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There doesn't seem to be a notification to the user that the +/- button did anything.
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1. I don't care for the current method of display, as I keep reading it as part of a response's text.

2. I'd ask why is it there and how is it going to improve the user's experience? Or what decisions get made with the data? Is it intended to be like the "Thanks" button on AAC posts? Personally, I find that feature marginally useful.
Any anonymous rating system is bound to be abused. The down side is pellucidly obvious. What is the up-side?

Which of course begs the real question, Why?

That's why it really should have the members' names with the ratings, such as "so-and-so found this post useful" or something like that.
Hi Guys,

This '+1' feature is replacing the "Add to this users reputation" button. Don't stress out though, they are very similar to each other, you can give people thanks for their posts and it will add to their reputation. I have been working on this idea for a long time and strongly believe it is a better system and will greatly help the users experience.

There are many extra benefits to this new system, it is not limited to just giving a rating to members overall worth, but also a rating system to individual posts. Over time as people vote you will not only see who is a valuable contributor through the reputation bar (green bar under your name), you will see which posts in a thread are valuable. As another feature, you can negatively rate posts and if they go low enough they will be hidden from view.

I understand that people may try to abuse this system, however everything is logged and can be easily traced. If you suspect anyone 'targeting' your posts please let me know. Please also note, this is not a replacement for the report posts feature.

There are still some adjustments to be made. I will be moving it to the bottom right of the post instead of the top right. I will also make sure there is some kind of notification when you actually vote.

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That sounds great, EM. I can see that working pretty well. A lot of members here don't even know about the "add to reputation" because it's just a small blacked-out icon in in the bottom corner, so I think having a "helpful post" rating would be great. It also seems like it could be a much more viable way of figuring reputation.
Yeah, I think that'll work just fine
Der Strom
As another feature, you can negatively rate posts and if they go low enough they will be hidden from view.

If you vote -1 the comes off the total post score. So if 5 people vote +1 and one 1 person votes -1 the overall post score will be +4. If the post goes below -3 it will be hidden from view. Remember you can only vote once on a post.

How about I setup 2 test posts one for everyone to vote positively and one to vote negatively as a demo.
Ah, that's pretty cool. You said you're still working on a notification that you've voted, right?
And are you considering keeping a way to post comments to the user, as well?

No. Normally if there is anything more to say other than thanks for your post it should be posted in the thread or sent via a private message.

Anything other than 'thanking' the user's post by way of a vote should posted in the thread or done via Private Message.
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I still think that an attempt to second vote on a particular post should allow a user to comment. If someone goes through enough effort to +1 something twice, or change their opinion they should be given a brief option to make a simple comment (few dozen words) This allows the simple +1/-1 system to work by itself and allows user that truly want to comment on the users post do so quickly and quietly.

I get feedback enough to know that even if it's not good feedback it's news to me by large and far.

Mind you this should be a private comment to the user in particular. It will help users moderate other users.
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