Need someone to test code in your board (MikroBasic)

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I just finished coding and I can't seem to get RB0 interrupt to work. Can anyone test this code for me and verify if it is my board that's faulty. Thanks.

program Speedometer

' Declarations section
  Dim cntr as integer
  Dim ovrflw as integer
  Dim speed as integer
  Dim spddisp as string[3]

Sub procedure interrupt
    if INTCON.INTF = 1 then
       cntr = cntr + 1
       INTCON.INTF = 0
    end if
    if INTCON.T0IF = 1 then
       ovrflw = ovrflw + 1
       INTCON.T0IF = 0
    end if
end sub

sub function Mask(dim num as byte) as byte    'Chnge values to suit your 7 seg conf
  select case num                              
    case 0  result = 252
    case 1  result = 48
    case 2  result = 218
    case 3  result = 122
    case 4  result = 54                       '00110110
    case 5  result = 110                      '01101110
    case 6  result = 238                      '11101110
    case 7  result = 56                       '00111000
    case 8  result = 254                      '11111110
    case 9  result = 126                      '01111110
  end select                                  'case end
end sub

'   Main program
'   Main program
    TRISB = %00000001
    TRISA = 0
    OPTION_REG = %11011000
    PORTA = 0
    PORTB = Mask(8)
    PORTA = 1
    speed = 123
    'End Test

    while TRUE
          cntr = 0
          ovrflw = 0
          INTCON = %10110000
          while (ovrflw < 3906)               'Wait 1 sec: 3906 = 4000000 / 4 / 256
                'Display speed here           'Test Formula: (1 Rotation x 60 x 60) / 1000
                PORTA.1 = 0
                PORTB = Mask(spddisp[0])
                PORTA.1 = 1
                PORTA.2 = 0
                PORTB = Mask(spddisp[1])
                PORTA.2 = 1
                PORTA.3 = 0
                PORTB = Mask(spddisp[2])
                PORTA.3 = 1
          INTCON.GIE = 0
          speed = (cntr * 60 * 60) div 1000
          IntToStr(speed, spddisp)
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I'm using the obsolete PIC16F84 as I have alot of them lying around from my legacy projects. If you can adopt it to other PIC's and assure me that RB0 interrupt works, then that would be fine.
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