Need help with rf transmitter

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New Member
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I am a beginner in electronics. This is the transmitter of RF module. There are the 4 buttons of transmitter and i want to control those buttons through my pc
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Can you post a link to the schematic for that module?
What are the IC markings?
Do the switches share a common ground connection?
Which PC output port are you proposing to use?
Do you have any general purpose digital I/O modules for use with the port?
It uses TXM Tx-2B Ic and the switches share a common ground. I am thinking to use usb port for that.

Sorry for my bad english.
... I am thinking to use usb port for that...

Which type of USB dongle? A USB serial port does not have four independent outputs. It would take a microcomputer like an Arduino to create four independent outputs to drive the four switches.
If you use the parallel port the use some opto isolators for protection. Relays are inherently isolated (voltage free contacts).
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