need help regarding wireless camera

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New Member
i have a project in which i have to take a picture of a vehicle which violates traffic signal and then send the image to PC through wireless medium...i want to ask which software/program can be used for recieving and viewing the the PC..
For your information: The City of Knoxville recently spent 1.8 million dollars to do this at five intersections. Good Luck.

(God, forgive me. That was facitious, but I couldn't help it.)
Is this for a town or a building parking lot? Are you planning to use cellular to send the pictures? Solar to run it?

Most towns will let you mount boxes/cameras at the intersections (well, you could not do that in my town). We have them here in West Palm, for traffic control.

Far as recieving and viewing. You can setup a file server of some type and drop pictures (files) on it and use about any viewer. Or EMAIL them, pop them and view them.
California did this back in 1970 and that brewed up a huge right-to-privacy suit. Probably won't happen in today's social climate, but be prepared for a negative reaction.

How are you planning to determine that a car has violated a signal?
you'll hav to link the respective traffic signal with camera, through a controller etc
@above ...yes ur right...will use controller..

i will use proximity sensor which will be enabled after red light and will detect a car and take its picture if the vehicle has violated here will be alot usefull as it will decrease some of the traffic problems...and accidents

i just wanna to transmit the pic to a pc through wireless channel...
range can be low as it is my uni project...
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