Need help in understanding the timers

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New Member
Hello ppl

I need your help in understanding the timers. When I need to use the timer concept in the program I am not confident of whats actually happening out there. prescaler and some other stuff. sometimes a hex value is loaded in the TMR register and the timer is said to be of a particular value. I have never been able to figure out the value of timer from that hex value.

i would really appreciate your opinions.

Which Timer specifically, 0, 1 or 2? They are all different.

What is similar is that they are all counters; they count up.

Some count from ZERO, some count from a Value you load. Some set a flag or interrupt when they roll over from 255 to 0 (FF to 00), others when they roll from 65535 to 0 (FFFF to 0000). Some count external events, some count the internal clock (with or without prescaling), etc, etc.

It is all in the data sheet...

What would you like the timer(s) to do?
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What helps for me is knowing the algorithms or code necessary to accomplish an objective. When I get home from work I'll provide some code I have for generating frequencies with either Timer0 or Timer1, in addition to finding out how to calculate the output frequency. You will have to modify it for whatever PIC or compiler you are using, but it should give you a good start.

Stay tuned.
Timer0 & Timer1

One of the first things you should determine is whether your timer is 8-bit or 16-bit. If it is both, then select which one you want. Here's how you derive the equations, based on the following parameters:

  1. Oscillator Frequency (PIC12F629) = 4 MHz
  2. Operating Frequency = 1/4 OSC = 1 MHz
  3. Timer Is Configured As 8-Bit Timer

Now, if we were using a prescaler our operating frequency would be different. For example, a 1:4 prescaler ratio would give me a 250 kHz operating frequency (1 MHz / 4). Now we can derive our equation:

[LATEX]Period_{(s)} = [(256 - Delay)*OpFreq]*2[/LATEX]

Note that I multiply everything by 2, because we have a complete cycle:

One Cycle
     Turn ON Output (5V);

     Turn OFF Output (0V);

So the timer only gives us the ON and first delay, so we multiply by 2 to get both, or one complete cycle.

To give you an example, let's say we want a frequency output of 10 kHz (1E-4 Seconds).

[LATEX]1E-4 = ((256 - Delay)*1E-6)*2[/LATEX]

[LATEX]Delay = 206[/LATEX]

So you need a delay of 206 entered to give you a 10 kHz output tone (square wave).

Timer0 Code PIC12F629 8-Bit Timer With HI-TECH

	void frq(char pins, unsigned int frqcy, unsigned int timer)   	// Frequency Function using Timer0 (8-Bit)
			unsigned int times;
			T0IF = 0;   	// Clear OVF Flag
            GPIO = pins;   	// Initialize GPIO
            for(times=timer;times>0;times--)   	// Duration of playing
                TMR0 = frqcy & 0xFF;   	// Load TMR0L byte next
                while(!T0IF);   	// Wait for timer
				T0IF = 0;   	// Clear OVF Flag
				GPIO = ~GPIO;   	// Invert output   
            T0IF = 0;	// Clear OVF Flag

Timer1 Code PIC12F629 16-Bit Timer With HI-TECH

	void freq(char pins, unsigned int frqcy, unsigned int timer)   	// Frequency Function using Timer1 (16-Bit)
			unsigned int times;
			TMR1IF = 0;   	// Clear OVF Flag
            GPIO = pins;   	// Initialize GPIO
            for(times=timer;times>0;times--)   	// Duration of playing
     	        TMR1H = (frqcy >> 8) & 0xFF;   	//Load TMR0H byte first
                TMR1L = frqcy & 0xFF;   	// Load TMR0L byte next
                while(!TMR1IF);   	// Wait for timer
				TMR1IF = 0;   	// Clear OVF Flag
				GPIO = ~GPIO;   	// Invert output   
            TMR1IF = 0;	// Clear OVF Flag

TImer0 Code PIC18F1320 16-Bit Timer With C18

	void freq(char pins, unsigned int frqcy, unsigned int timer)   // Timer0 Frequency Function 16-Bit
			unsigned int times;
			TRISA = ~(pins & 0xFF);

            INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;   // Clear OVF Flag
            LATA = pins;   // Initialize LATA          		
            for(times=timer;times>0;times--)   // Duration of playing
     	        TMR0H = (frqcy >> 8) & 0xFF;   //Load TMR0H byte first
                TMR0L = frqcy & 0xFF;   // Load TMR0L byte next
                while(!INTCONbits.TMR0IF);   // Wait for timer
				INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;   // Clear OVF Flag
				LATA = ~LATA;   // Invert output   

You can enter hex, dec, or bin for the timer input delay. I would recommend dec, since you don't have to convert from hex to dec or something. Also, in my example I had an 8-Bit timer so I used 256 in the equation; if you are using a 16-Bit timer it would be 65536.

Hope this helps you, if you have questions just let me know.
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I just read the OPs previous posts, seems PICs are the answer. I really wish folks looking for advice would take the time to learn to communicate.
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