Need help in Final year project

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New Member
I am doing my Electronics and Communication Engineering.I need help in my final year project. I am interested in doing projects in communications field but I am running out of ideas. Can anyone suggest me with some topics related to communication? I am supposed to submit my project title by 30/6/05.
Thanks in advance
How about an acoustic modem for use underwater?

Whilst high speed internet access is of limited use
beneath the waves, good voice communication between
the surface and more importantly between individual divers is likely to
be of interest to both the commercial and sports diving industries.

Going digital with each diver having a small computer not only provides
the option of multiple / switchable communications channels for addressing a group or private chats (encrypted if need be)
but could also provide telemetry for bio-medical purposes or
equipment status.
Ultrasonics to send signals between cars that e.g 'car crash ahead'

Cars that communicate with each other, with the use of LED's or infrared. dont know about the purpose though. relays traffic conditions ahead??
upand_at_them said:
How about a way to communicate to a woman without making her mad?


Or perhaps a way to communicate with a woman without going mad urself!!
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