Need help, am noob

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Kingdom Man

New Member
here is some code that Burt has been helping me with, but I have a problem. I want to learn how to set my output high at 1Volt and have my output stay high until it reaches .8Volts. as of now, with this code I can only set my output high or low at one given voltage, so it will trigger high when it hits 1v but the second it goes below 1v it triggers low again.

 #include <>

	CBLOCK 		0x020
	#define _.8VOLT 0x28
	#define _1VOLT 0x33
	#define _2VOLT 0x66
	#define _2_5VOLT 0x7F
	#define _3VOLT 0x99
	#define _4VOLT 0xCC
	ORG			0x000		; processor reset vector
  	goto		init		; go to beginning of program

	ORG			0x004	    ; interrupt vector location

     bsf       STATUS,RP0     ; select Register Page 1
     movlw     0xFF
     movwf     TRISA          ; Make PortA all input
     clrf      TRISC          ; Make PortC all output
     movlw     0x10           ; A2D Clock Fosc/8
     movwf     ADCON1
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; back to Register Page 0

     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 2
     bsf       STATUS,RP1     
     movlw     0xFF           ; we want all Port A pins Analog
     movwf     ANSEL
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 0
     bcf       STATUS,RP1
     clrf	   ADCON0
     movlw     0x01
     movwf     ADCON0         ; configure A2D for Channel 0 
     call	adcdelay		  ;delay to charge cap
     bsf       ADCON0,GO      ; start conversion
     btfss     ADCON0,GO      ; this bit will change to zero when the conversion is complete
     goto      $-1
    movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_.8VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan.8VOLT                ; Branch if less than 1V

    movlw    _1VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	 LessThan1VOLT                ; Branch if Between 1V and 2V

    movlw 	_2VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan2VOLT             ; Branch if Between 2V and 2.5V

    movlw 	_2_5VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan2_5VOLT               ; Branch if Between 2.5V and  3V

    movlw   _3VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan3VOLT               ; Branch if Between 3V and 4V

    movlw 	_4VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan4VOLT                ; Branch if Between 3V and 4V
    goto      MainLoop

	bcf 	PORTC,0
	bsf		PORTC,0
	bcf		PORTC,0					; lights led thats in volt range 
	bsf		PORTC,0
    bcf		PORTC,0	  
	bsf		PORTC,0

	 nop					  ;1 cycle

	 return					  ;4 cycles (including call)
All you have to do is check for .8volts if no carry check fan for on or turn on fan
if carry we are less then .8volts so lets turn the fan off
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Here try this out see what it will do for you
#include <>

    CBLOCK         0x020
    #define _.8VOLT 0x28
    ORG            0x000        ; processor reset vector
      goto        init        ; go to beginning of program

    ORG            0x004        ; interrupt vector location

     bsf       STATUS,RP0     ; select Register Page 1
     movlw     0xFF
     movwf     TRISA          ; Make PortA all input
     clrf      TRISC          ; Make PortC all output
     movlw     0x10           ; A2D Clock Fosc/8
     movwf     ADCON1
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; back to Register Page 0

     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 2
     bsf       STATUS,RP1     
     movlw     0xFF           ; we want all Port A pins Analog
     movwf     ANSEL
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 0
     bcf       STATUS,RP1
     clrf       ADCON0
     movlw     0x01
     movwf     ADCON0         ; configure A2D for Channel 0 
     call    adcdelay          ;delay to charge cap
     bsf       ADCON0,GO      ; start conversion
     btfss     ADCON0,GO      ; this bit will change to zero when the conversion is complete
     goto      $-1
    movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw     _.8VOLT
    subwf     ADRESH, w
    BNC     LessThan.8VOLT       ; Branch if less than 1V
    BC     killfan
    bcf     PORTC,0          ;turn off fan
    BTFSS   PORTC,0		 ;checks fan for on if on we skip next 
    bsf     PORTC,0		 ; turns on the fan	

     nop                      ;1 cycle

     return                      ;4 cycles (including call)
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Don't you need to close the loop after "BDC Killfan" - or the code will run on and kill the fan anyway?
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Burt, I tried this code, and tried modifying it as well. It only sets my output pin high on port c when the input voltage is below .8v otherwise the output remains low above .8v. This is all it seems to do for me.
I need to set output high when input reaches 1v and Higher, but if Voltage goes lower than 1v I still need it to stay high until voltage goes below .8V. I hope I am making sense.
Well I no this works I tried it
#include <>

    CBLOCK         0x020
    #define _.8VOLT 0x28
    ORG            0x000        ; processor reset vector
      goto        init        ; go to beginning of program

    ORG            0x004        ; interrupt vector location

     bsf       STATUS,RP0     ; select Register Page 1
     movlw     0xFF
     movwf     TRISA          ; Make PortA all input
     clrf      TRISC          ; Make PortC all output
     movlw     0x10           ; A2D Clock Fosc/8
     movwf     ADCON1
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; back to Register Page 0

     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 2
     bsf       STATUS,RP1     
     movlw     0xFF           ; we want all Port A pins Analog
     movwf     ANSEL
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 0
     bcf       STATUS,RP1
     clrf       ADCON0
     movlw     0x01
     movwf     ADCON0         ; configure A2D for Channel 0 
     call    adcdelay          ;delay to charge cap
     bsf       ADCON0,GO      ; start conversion
     btfss     ADCON0,GO      ; this bit will change to zero when the conversion is complete
     goto      $-1
    movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw     _.8VOLT
    subwf     ADRESH, w
    BNC     LessThan.8VOLT       ; Branch if less than 1V
    BC     killfan
    bsf     PORTC,0          ;turn off fan
    BTFSS   PORTC,0		 ;checks fan for on if on we skip next 
    bcf     PORTC,0		 ; turns on the fan	

     nop                      ;1 cycle

     return                      ;4 cycles (including call)

I apologize for confusing the issue - I will shut-up !
That's all right i stay confused I meant BC not BDC and you made me look agin I fixed it it works I think like he want fan on a .8volts and above
off if it is below it worked that way now
Thanks Burt, It does work- It does turn on fan at .8V and turn off at .8v. I think I need to explain my issue more, I hope this will make it more clear.
I will be monitoring a thermistor, so as my temp goes up, so my Voltage also goes up. So if 1Volt represents say 25 Degrees C and .8V Represents 20 Degrees C, then what I want to do is monitor my thermistor on the input, and not turn the fan on until it goes above 25 Degrees(1V), then once it has turned on, the fan will start removing heat from the liquid it is cooling. The fan must stay on until the coolant it is cooling has dropped below the temp of 20 Degrees (.8V). Then when the fan has turned off the coolant temp will start to rise again and it will repeat the cycle.
Yes I believe this is what I need to do, as it gives an example of Hysteresis in the use of a thermostat and a furnace.
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