Need a firefox obout:config entry

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Anyone know the entry that causes the URL bar and other stuff that when clecked on, removes the help text. e.g. It will say in the address bar "Search or Enter Address" and when you click it nothing happens.

I need the about:config entry that changes that behavior so it clears the "Search or Enter Address"

I can't seem to find it.

Why do you need to clear it? If you click in the box the text gets highlighted and you can simply over-type it.
I found it.

The about:config entry is: set to False

But alec, the new behavior is STUPID. It makes you THINK your mouse doesn't do anything and it's annoying.

Try it.
I have. Clicking anywhere in the box causes the text to be highlighted, so mouse action is obvious. Don't you get that effect? BTW I'm running v21.0 of FF on WinXP SP3.
Anyway, handy to have the config entry if I need it. I now have to ask (displaying my FF ignorance), where did you find it?
It was my recollection, that the highlighting doesn't happen when Firefox says "Search or enter an address" in the URL bar because "Search or enter an address"not a legitimate entry, it's the "prompt string".

When I clicked there, it was my reccolection nothing happened, UNLESS there was an existing URL there.

The entry fixes this in webpages too and not just the address bar.

I had submitted a bug concerning this behavior and so did someone else. I traced it back to this referring bug via bugzilla. BUG 807613

I am on the Beta update channel for FF, so I get changes before everyone else.
When I clicked there, it was my reccolection nothing happened, UNLESS there was an existing URL there.
Ah. My default URL is ETO, so when FF fires up the URL bar gets filled in automatically.
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