NaOH and Ferric Clorhidre

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hyedenny said:
Besides, goofball, HYDROCARBONS dont destroy ozone, they lead to its formation. Its Carbon Dioxide that is mainly to blame for any ozone depletion. So, if you'll do us all a favor and not exhale.....

Really? Could you explain the chemistry of that?

Ozone and CO2 existed in a stable equilibrium until the introduction of CFCs.

I think you will find that CFCs are responsible by acting as a catalyst for the breakdown of the O3 into O2 due to the release of Chlorine free radicals from the CFCs. Through 2 reactions between chlorine and O3 we get ClO and O2. ClO and O3 also react to form 2 O2 and and relasing the Cl free radical again.

I think perhaps you ought to tone it down a bit.
hyedenny said:
As usual, youre blowing smoke out of your acid.

Ha ha! Smoke out your acid. Made be laugh pretty hard! Now where did I put my popcorn? This drama is getting pretty interesting! :lol:
not wanting to interrupt this little love fest but I dispose of used etchant in a simple way. I use a glass jar and a hotplate. I evaporate the water (pretty safe there...) and then save the sludge for one of the semi-annual "waste fairs" where they take all sorts of nasty stuff people have for a small fee. If they can't dispose of it safely, no one can. Plus, I don't break any laws.

Yea, this thread is getting funny and dramatic... I have learned from it, you need to take the stuff to a waste center.

But I have to try to lighten this up (right).

OK, so I put some soda ash in it and check that the PH is down to a 7 (do I use the one from the pool my kids play in). Once I have done that I UPS to chemelec?

The ozone is broke over the gold mining in the west-US and CFC?

I live in Florida (east-US), no gold here I have found (and I have looked), so I am safe. NOT really, the broken Ozone (from CFC and chemelec's yard and the gold minors) seem to send all the hurricanes here to my house for some reason (global warming)..

Maybe a power higher knows the gold minors had no money to offer to clean up and they used the money to move (retired) to Florida..

SO, the answer is, this stuff is bad and we need to take it to a place to get rid of it and hope "THEY" do the right thing with it..
I have some ferric chloride I used to etch brass, it was heated while etching and I pretty well saturated the solution.

I put the cover back on the container and let it cool down. I looked at it later and there are some pretty big crystals grown on the bottom.
Great, the goofballfest is growing... Who said anything about CFCs??? He said HYDROCARBONS - not chlorinated FLOUROcarbons....
The fact is, that hydrocarbons cause ozone to be formed, which is considered a pollutant aslo. The MAIN source of concern from the burning of fossil fuels is the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide formed.


Good Job to those of you who are responsible with their chemical waste, and Get A Job to those of you who are wasted on chemicals.

Heres a link to the EPA for those of you who dont understand highschool chemistry. Im sorry I didnt explain it well enough.
All my ferric chloride is disposed at Mount Doom, in the fires where it was wrought.
Oznog said:
All my ferric chloride is disposed at Mount Doom, in the fires where it was wrought.

Your avatar is a picture of that ceremony, right?!

You are aware that the chemistry of the high altitude ozone layer is very different to what happens on the ground with traffic fumes aren't you? It's all that UV light at high altitude which can drive reactions that would not otherwise occur. Which domain were you referring to?

Ozone depletion to me has always meant the depletion of the high altitude layer which is greatest at the poles. And to restate as far as I know CO2 has nothing to do with that. Ozone depletion at ground level is actually a good thing. At high altitude it is a bad thing.

I stated quite clearly in my post my understanding of the the CFC chemstry that causes the breakdown of high alitude ozone and I asked you to explain the CO2 chemistry that you stated which is responsible for depletion. Nowhere did I state you were wrong, merely that what you stated is counter to my understanding. I'm sorry if "I think you'll find" is such a personal attack. My suggestion there is to grow a thicker skin.

You made this statement:

Its Carbon Dioxide that is mainly to blame for any ozone depletion.

Which I chose to challange. Thus I brought in CFCs since they were pertinant to the discussion.

Indeed in your subsequent post you missed the point entirely by ignoring the question and, indirectly at least, calling me a goofball.

This is a classic case of an an hominiem argument because you are unable to defend your own argument.

For the record, and to show your brilliance, at least as far as you percieve it, how carbon dioxide is responsible for ozone depletion, as you so clearly stated:

Its Carbon Dioxide that is mainly to blame for any ozone depletion.

Show show me it is is not an ad hominiem argument and show the chemistry behind your assertion.

And I still suggest you tone it down, be civil and keep it reasonable.
This thread is losing any relevence to Electronics, and rapidly becoming a 'name calling' battle.

As such the thread is now locked!.

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